November 2, 2020
Breast Cancer Awareness
During the month of October, the FWK offices observed Breast Cancer Awareness in a few different ways—by having an "Honor Wall" that displayed stories shared by members of our team of how they or their loved ones have personally experienced breast cancer, by holding a pumpkin decorating contest, and by wearing pink—to honor those we have lost, those who are fighting, and those who have survived. Below are the new stories shared by our team members, as well as a picture of the pumpkins submitted for the pumpkin decorating contest. Click here to read the stories shared last year.
- Barbara Simmons—mother of Tonya Wilkinson, Director of Client Services, and sister of Beverly Shows, Senior Billing Clerk—went for a yearly mammogram when abnormal cells were detected. After biopsy, it was determined the cells were not cancerous, but the doctor suggested removing them anyway. After removal, it was determined they were cancerous cells, stage 0. Because of early detection, she was not required to take chemotherapy but did have many weeks of radiation. Thankfully, she is on the survivor list!
- Elise Charbonnet Angelette—close friend of NOLA Partner, Charles Abbott—passed away on August 16, 2020, after a 6-year heroic battle with breast cancer.
- Linda Ludwig—sister-in-law of Jackson Paralegal, Kathy Engelstad—was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has just started chemotherapy. Treatment will last for a year.
- Becky Saunders—friend of Jackson Paralegal, Kathy Engelstad—is a two times breast cancer survivor. She had a mastectomy and has been cancer free for 10 years.
- Nancy Haley—the mother of Jackson Paralegal Kathy Engelstad's daughter-in-law—is a breast cancer survivor. She had a double mastectomy and has been cancer free for 15 years.
- Marilyn Russell Nolen—aunt of Payroll Manager, Lisa Ainsworth, and dear friend/former co-worker of many FWK employees—was diagnosed with breast cancer in the Spring of 2016. She had a lumpectomy, 10 treatments of radiation in 5 days, and 3 treatments of chemotherapy within the following 3 months. After 4 years of oral medication, she is blessed to be cancer survivor.
Breast cancer is a disease that does not discriminate. The links below provide a bountiful amount of information on the topic—some of which you may or may not already know. If you have any signs or symptoms that worry you, be sure to see your doctor right away.
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Breast Cancer Research Foundation