April 13, 2022
McGuffey, Ritchie, and Fyke Attend Events Honoring Judge Rhesa H. Barksdale
On April 9-10, 2022, Jackson Partners Mitch McGuffey, Spencer Ritchie, and Joel Fyke (pictured) attended events in New Orleans, Louisiana honoring U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Senior Judge Rhesa H. Barksdale. The events were held in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of Judge Barksdale’s appointment to the federal appellate bench by President George H. W. Bush in 1990. The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the celebration from occurring until this year. Over 90 former law clerks and other guests attended the events. Spencer Ritchie clerked for Judge Barksdale in 2011-2012, while Joel Fyke and Mitch McGuffey clerked for him in 2013-2014. All three served on the committee that planned the weekend’s events. Not pictured is Jackson Partner Peyton Smith, who also clerked for Judge Barksdale in 2011-2012 but was not able to attend.