January 11, 2019
FormanWatkins is proud to announce that Mitch McGuffey has been named a member of the JPS School Board’s Bond Oversight Committee!
January 11, 2019
FormanWatkins is proud to announce that Mitch McGuffey has been named a member of the JPS School Board’s Bond Oversight Committee!
January 7, 2019
FormanWatkins is proud to announce that Vernon McFarland has been named a new member of 100 Black Men of Jackson!
January 4, 2019
FormanWatkins is proud to announce that Mimi Arthur, Melissa Fuller, Michelle Roy, and Peyton Smith have been promoted to Partner.
January 2, 2019
The 2019 Louisiana Super Lawyers and Rising Stars selections have been made, and we are proud to announce that 6 of our attorneys were among those selected!
December 20, 2018
Malissa Wilson and Spencer Ritchie will be speakers at the Human Resource Law from A to Z seminar. This seminar is basic-to-intermediate level and will examine current issues in human resource law for attorneys, HR personnel, accountants, and presidents and vice presidents. Malissa and Spencer would love for you to join them!
December 17, 2018
Our New Orleans office continued its holiday tradition with Catholic Charities by adopting a family through their Adopt-A-Family program! This year, the group purchased gifts for a family of 5, which consisted of a mother, her daughter, and her 3 sons.
December 13, 2018
The New Jersey team is at it again with their generous spirit! The office collected money from its attorneys and staff, purchased various winter items, and dropped them off today at Lunch Break, a local charity in Red Bank, New Jersey.
December 11, 2018
On November 17, 2018, New Jersey partners Tom Toman and Nicole Diesa were among the 18+ Monmouth Bar Association (“MBA”) attorneys who volunteered at the Monmouth County Veterans Information and Resources Clinic held at Monmouth University and provided free consultations to Veterans on various legal topics.
December 4, 2018
On November 1, 2018, Nick Giallourakis appeared on a panel at Perrin’s Diversity & Inclusion conference to discuss the “white male perspective” in the legal industry’s diversity and inclusion efforts. FormanWatkins attorneys Nicole Diesa and Vernon McFarland also attended the conference, which brought together outside legal counsel, in-house counsel, and counsel from several major insurance companies. Nick, Nicole, and Vernon are all members of the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee. This was the third year in a row that FormanWatkins attorneys have spoken at the conference, and FormanWatkins continues to cement its relationship with Perrin as a “go to” speaker for diversity and inclusion topics. If you would like to know more about FormanWatkins’ participation in Perrin’s Diversity & Inclusion in the Legal Industry Conference or to learn about FormanWatkins’ Diversity & Inclusion Committee, please do not hesitate to contact Nick, Nicole, or Vernon.
December 3, 2018
Our New Orleans office is excited to announce it has moved into a newly remodeled space in the Place St. Charles building! The new address is…