January 21, 2022
FWK Sponsors Lunch and Learn Events at MC and Ole Miss Law Schools
FormanWatkins attorneys Caroline Upchurch, Sampada Kapoor, Vernon McFarland, Mitch McGuffey, and Nick Giallourakis visited with students from Mississippi College School of Law and The University of Mississippi School of Law on January 19, 2022 to share best practices for the students’ upcoming on-campus interviews. FormanWatkins attorneys spoke to the students about how to prepare cover letters, how to have engaging interviews, and how to have successful summer clerkships. The event was well attended at both schools, and students at MC and Ole Miss were able to ask the panelists about a number of topics. FormanWatkins appreciates all the students who attended, and wants to thank the career services office at both schools for allowing FormanWatkins to participate in this event. FormanWatkins has historically interviewed law students at both schools for summer clerkships, and FormanWatkins attorneys will conduct on-campus interviews at both schools in February.